Prof. Dr. Ján Dusza
Head of Research centre PROMATECH
The transfer of knowledge from science and research up to its practical applications is an inevitable part of building a knowledge society. This idea met with substantial support in the Operational program“Research and Development“, financed from EU resources, which enables the construction of University science parks and Research centres oriented towards increasing the extent of cooperation between research-development institutions with communal and economic practice.
One of these centres is the Research centre for progressive materials and technologies for present and future applications „PROMATECH“, which ambition is to act as a top level national and intergrated centre delivering scientific-research knowledge not only in the area of basic research, but also in the area of application and innovation.
The research centre PROMATECH creates a real platform for developing cooperation between the academic and industrial spheres in the area of appplied material research, which can carry significant contribution to strengthening the overall competetiveness of Slovak industry, this by means of supporting the implementation of new materials and technologies into the production processes and the products themselves.
We would be very pleased if this introduction to the Research centre PROMATECH addressed you and motivated us towards joint discussions and meetings, and we look forward to future cooperation.
Mission of PROMATECH Centre
- excellent frontier research
- applied research oriented to advanced materials and technologies
- excellent international co-operation
- expertise activities and consulting service for industrial partners
- technological and knowledge transfer
- education activities in accordance with requirements of industry
- Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Materials Research of Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Experimental Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Geotechnics of Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Technical University of Košice