Laboratory of Mechanical Testing

Contact person: RNDr. Miroslav Džupon, PhD.,, IMR SAS

Location: Main Building, Watsonova 47, Košice

The laboratory is focused on testing of mechanical propreties of new materials. The area of research/development is focused on mechanical testing of new materials and technologies as well as their transfer into industrial production. The main research and development areas cover advanced steels for automotive industry, new steels for electro-technical industry, advanced creep-resistants steels and special creep-resistant alloys including model alloys and their welded joints, progressive Fe-based materials prepared by powder metallurgy technologies, structural and advanced ceramics, bioceramic materials on the base of hydroxyapatites and mechanical testing of plastics. It deals mainly with hardness tests, microhardness tests, tensile, compression and bending tests at room and elevated temperatures, dynamic bending tests of advanced steel sheets for automotive and electro-technical industry and materials prepared by technologies of powder metallurgy.

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